Tag Archives: humor

Im Screaming LOVE!

In this calm and peaceful day, Ichiro Kurosagi could not know why Renji is so loud and excited! We can assure you that Renji Abarai has all the reasons for that , because of a the old technology, he has developed the most unique version of gigai, which is an artificial body that allows Shinigami to remain within the Human World and communicate with Humans. It’s the female version gigai!

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How does a woman catch a guy’s attention? Well, the set of big boobs , round a** would be a handful but it is her coocking skills what really is important! It’s a fact that Orihime Inoue of the “Bleach” series was thinking before her appearance tonight. Yet even though her fist attempt has failed she should never forget that big boobs and delicious meals can seduce not only male characters…

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